HEAD, HEART and HANDS symbolises that healing can take place on various levels, cognitively, emotionally, through action and on a physical or somatic level.



Kelly Hefferon (she/her,) is a Kanaka Maoli (native Hawaiian) working and living on Whadjuk Country.  Kelly draws on the intersections of mental health, social justice and deep connection to the land. Kelly is passionate about supporting clients and families - emotionally, cognitively, somatically - so that over time clients know they have choices, skills and strategies to become empowered in their own healing process.

Kelly has a Masters in Social Work, Graduate Diploma in Counseling and a Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Science (Environmental Biology). Over the years Kelly has undertaken further specialised training focusing on Trauma and the Body, Attachment, Expressive Therapies, Play Therapy, Yoga Teacher Training and Trauma Centre Trauma Sensitive Yoga to name a few.

Kelly holds the vision of a world where embodied social and systemic change can develop into a way of community that is grounded in localisation, compassion, wisdom, connection that celebrates diversity and sameness. Kelly is passionate about mental health and wellbeing is person centred and strength based.

Kelly has worked with families and children for over 20 years in educational and mental health settings, a Clinical Supervisor, Certified Theraplay® Practitioner and Trauma Centre Trauma Sensitive Yoga Facilitator. 

Kelly runs professional development trainings for working therapeutically with children and Theraplay®.

Medicare Rebates are available in Kellys Private Practice.



Clients are entitled to a Medicare rebate through your GP who can access services through the Better Access to Mental Health Care/Access to Allied Psychological Services. This will entitle you to an initial 6 sessions.

The cost for the service is :

Waged $84.80 and Concession $64.80 after the Medicare Rebate is applied.

EMDR Sessions $180- up to 1.5 hours $85.20 refund in Medicare

Reports for NDIS, education etc $140 per hour. I do not write reports for Courts.

Please note full payment is required on the day of the session. You will be issued with a receipt, that you then can take to Medicare to get a refund of $85.20. - $170 waged, $150 concession.

No referral from GP

Individuals $150

Couples $180 - up to 75 minutes

NDIS $193

EAP $200

Concessions by negotiation

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Clinical Supervision

Individual $150

Group $240 minimum 3 people



I’d like to put you at ease. As an accredited mental health social worker and clinician with over 20 years of experience, I specialise in supporting young people, individuals, couples and families impacted by adverse life events, behavioural issues, mental health challenges, relationship issues and trauma. My many years of experience and practice in this field allows me to formulate, develop and implement individualised therapeutic plans to work with you, to make a brave space for you to share what is happening in your life and support you to find your way forward.

I offer a range of evidence based modalities to support you . Click below to find out more


Trauma Centre Trauma Sensitive Yoga Facilitator

Supporting you to find peaceful embodiment

Lived experience of trauma affects so much more than an individual’s emotional and psychological wellbeing. Trauma also impacts the relationship with the body and how we move through the world and can have debilitating physical impact. In addition to effects such as anxiety, memory loss and dissociation, trauma can make victims more prone to serious chronic health conditions.

In the field of trauma recovery, body-focused treatment options are becoming an important part of multifaceted approaches to healing. Trauma Sensitive Yoga is one such body-led therapy that has been shown to reduce the symptoms of complex trauma and PTSD.